DEADLINE: Not Specified

LOCATION: Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

Where you fit in?

Shell Health works closely with diverse lines of business in Nigeria and is a critical partner in delivering the organization’s current operations and investments, while realizing our growth and leadership ambitions in country. Shell Health Nigeria drives high performance through managing health risks, identification and delivery of health-related opportunities for business. As a team, we drive integrated support and delivery. Environmental Health is positioned to contribute to value-addition in the business.

What’s the role?

Shell Health’s purpose is to empower employees and our business to thrive through care. The world is changing fast, and Shell Health also has to change to keep up with the external environment, and the needs of the new Shell organization in delivering the Powering Progress strategy. We enable business outcomes by providing science-based Health expertise and services, developing in Shell, a sustainable culture of care, focused on helping people to be the best that they can be.

As the Lead Environmental Health Officer, your main accountabilities are:

• Supervise Environmental Health Officers in the delivery of Environmental Health services in Shell Nigeria
• Drive Food & Drinking Water Safety- ensure HACCP training of health focals, facility representatives and food handlers; implement appropriate controls for prevention of food poisoning
• Maintain drinking water quality in all company owned premises through periodic testing to conform with World Health Organization’s specifications
• Deliver Integrated Pest Management in the Shell industrial and residential areas as well as field locations
• Support Public Health, accommodation, and vessel inspections
• Provide health support to projects via the Health Project Owner scheme
• Interface with Government/regulatory agencies- stakeholder engagement
• Provide inputs for Standard setting; ensure business compliance with environmental health standards/regulation according to best practice
• Manage environmental health related contracts (Pest Control), procedures and audits
• Actively balance the regional delivery role with the horizontal input as required to the Central teams
• When faced with business issues and requests, first leverage existing expertise from the asset class specialists

What we need from you?

• Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Health or equivalent
• At least 5 years’ proven experience in the practice of Environmental Health
• Possess relevant professional license (EHORECON)
• Skilled in the Health Risk Management and HSE Management Systems
• Good understanding of Shell Nigeria’s business and Good business partnering and stakeholder management skills
• Data analytical skills and above average information and telecommunication skills
• Possess analytical and problem-solving skills with good written and verbal communication skills

Leadership skills:

• Able to prioritize and shows courage to identify improvement opportunities and challenge lower value work.
• Continuously looks for opportunities to learn from and leverage best practices.

How to Apply

To apply, visit the link below


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Don’t forget to share your testimonials, suggestions and ideas with us at info@careerflightglobal.com

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